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Dr. Christos Kyriazoglou

Dr. Christos Kyriazoglou

Dr. Christos Kyriazoglou holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Composites materials (CFRP, GFRP), from the University of Bristol (UK). He completed his PhD studies on a science and industrial scholarship awarded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Rolls-Royce plc. He also holds an Dipl.-Ing in Mechanical Engineering, from the University of Patras, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (GR).

He is the CBDO of INASCO HELLAS, an industrial SME that focuses in designing, developing and building structural subsystems and MGSE for the latest ESA Space Science and Earth Observation missions.

Christos is a highly driven individual, a Space enthusiast, business and technology expert and thinker. With a clear vision and dedication in expanding the knowledge driven economies and frontiers. He has an academic and professional experience of (20+) years, that covers innovative aerospace products development, composites materials and production processes, business consulting, industrial investments and proposals evaluation, business modeling, strategy and transformation, SME growth and scaling up, SME competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Marketing. He has acquired a keen understanding of the emerging landscapes of Space and Aeronautics, advanced Lightweight Materials and Structures, and the Upstream manufacturing sector; specifically of their industrial, economical, business, market and social aspects.

Christos has taught at the University of Bristol (M.Sc, M.Eng, B.Sc courses), in the thematic areas of Advanced Dynamics and Vibrations, Advanced Computing methods, Finite Elements Analysis, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Software, Automatic Control Systems and Software. He has published a number of science articles and has been a reviewer in international refereed science and engineering journals in the thematic area of composites science and engineering. He has also been a contributing author in books for Corporate Strategic & Operational Controls and Risk Management standards. Closing, he has been an Independent Expert Evaluator for the European Commission's programs on Research & Innovation (FP7, H2020), in calls like Factory-of-the-Future and in subjects of industrial technologies, nanotechnologies, advanced materials and manufacturing methods and processes. Finally, he has been a Pro-bono business mentor and coach in Young Innovative Entrepreneurship Programs.